To allow us to continually develop and improve our careers programme and ensure we are meeting the needs of our students we have committed to achieving the Quality in Careers Standard in 2021 accredited by CSW.
CSW is a Licensed Awarding Body able to deliver the national quality award The Quality in Careers Standard. The award provides schools with a good practice framework for organisations that work with young people, which includes, schools, colleges, and other learning providers.

Impartial Careers Advice
We ensure all of our Year 11 and Year 13 students are offered at least one careers advice session with an independent advisor. These advice sessions are also available to other year groups on request.
We work closely with our provider Careerwave to ensure the students are offered a high quality and well informed advice service during their time at the UTC.
Gatsby Benchmarks
In 2014, Lord Sainsbury’s Gatsby Charitable Foundation published a report by Professor Sir John Holman, Adviser in Education at the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, titled “Good Career Guidance.”
The report identified eight benchmarks that are the core dimensions of good careers and enterprise provision in schools:

Our careers programme is structured around these benchmarks to ensure our student are receiving the best careers advice and guidance we can offer.
Information for parents, students and employers:
Within our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy & Careers Strategy which is linked at the top of this page you will find an overview of the careers programme for the coming year for each year group. Follow the links below to find out what your child will be covering.
Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Year 13
Useful resources for students and parents:
Amazing Apprenticeships - The Parents’ Pack March 2019 edition covers preparing for the first day in a new job, helping your child find the right employer, financial support for apprentices, construction apprenticeships with Mace, exciting new apprenticeship standards, updated advice on accessing higher and degree apprenticeships, and more!
icould - a website that provides over 1000 personal video stories and detailed job information about hours of works, the skills and qualifications needed and tasks that need to carried out.
National Careers Service - provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.
Unifrog is a one stop shop for every students destination needs and is the platform the UTC has chosen to allow them to explore how their interests lead to different education and training pathways. They can see what steps they need to take to stand the best chance of application success; study expert guides explain how to navigate each step in the application process; log any employability or skills building experiences they have had and look at areas they might want to develop. It helps students to make better choices around careers and future study options, as well as a rich mix of inspiring careers and employability information.
The National Apprenticeship Service website offers guidance on how to apply for an apprenticeship as well as listing current local apprenticeship opportunities. More information on apprenticeships can be found at
Get in, Go far - provides information advice and guidance for pupils and parents about Apprenticeships.
CareersBox is a free online library of careers related videos, news and information.
UCAS Progress is an online search and application tool for post 16 courses.
Careers Advice for Parents aims to give parents an easy-to-read overview of all the essential facts on finding jobs and apprenticeships or choosing further and higher education courses which could make a real difference to their child's future career prospects.
CASCAID Parents Guide to Careers Guidance
Labour Market Information (LMI) - LMI for All is an online data portal which brings together existing national sources of high quality labour market information (LMI) that can inform people’s choices about their careers. The online portal includes LMI that can answer the questions people commonly ask when thinking about their careers, including ‘how much do people get paid?’ and ‘what type of person does that job?’.
The weekly Supporting Inspiration LMI Bulletin provides up to date information on regional developments and vacancies.
Parental Guidance offers advice and information on all aspects of the process of career choice for young people aged 13 to 25.
Measuring Impact
North East Futures UTC measures the success of the Careers Education programme by:
- Destination data
- Evaluation and completion of twice yearly Student Employability Skills Reviews
- Evaluation of activities and events against the skills and knowledge developed
All the information above will be reviewed each academic year.