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but different

Key Stage 4 Programme

Attending Key Stage 4 at North East Futures means studying a range of core GCSEs and non-examined specialist subjects and activities, including taking part in business-led projects. Students will also pick one other optional GCSE.

Supported by Technical and Project-Based learning

The UTC curriculum is enriched with regular access to Project-Based Learning where students use their learning and apply it in industry-led, real-world projects. Project-Based Learning helps students understand the world of work and develop the skills they need to get ahead. Students will end key stage 4 with a fantastic set of GCSE results, a unique CV and the professional skills to take them to the next stage of their career.

Projects may include cyber security, biotechnology, games development, e-health or personalised medicine. There are, of course, many more like this which may spark their interest.

All students benefit from personalised careers advice, guidance and support from UTC staff and industry partners.

Personal Devlopment:

Faiths and Cultures is delivered as part of the UTC’s wider Personal Development programme, developing students’ personal skills for the professional environment.

Sex and Relationship Education (RSE) forms part of the Personal Development curriculum and is delivered through Citizenship, Tutor Time and Science.

Health and Fitness lessons are delivered through dedicated sessions and the enrichment programme. Opportunities to take part in a variety of sporting and fitness activities are encouraged to ensure students pick up good habits for life and find physical activities that they will continue to engage in beyond their time at the UTC. 

Students are expected to develop as Independent Learners throughout Key Stage 4 so they are able to cope with the demands of a post 16 education, apprenticeship and the workplace. To facilitate this, students are supported to organise their time, manage deadlines, choose the most effective resources and develop independence.

Targeted Support and Enrichment:

To ensure that all our pupils reach their full potential, we offer targeted after-school tutoring in core subjects for those who need additional support. We also provide holiday masterclasses to challenge and stretch our high-achieving pupils, further enhancing their learning experiences.

Diverse GCSE Offerings:

In addition to the core GCSE subjects, we are proud to offer our pupils the opportunity to study a range of home language GCSEs, such as Polish, Arabic, and Urdu. This allows our diverse student body to maintain and develop their native language skills, further enriching their educational experience and future prospects.

To ensure our pupils thrive in these home language GCSEs, we have dedicated specialist tutors who work closely with them, providing personalised support and guidance. This tailored approach not only helps our pupils achieve their academic goals but also allows them to broaden their skillsets and enhance their CVs.

Forensic Reading:

At the heart of our curriculum is a unique subject called Forensic Reading. This innovative course is designed to develop our pupils' ability to think critically, recognise subtext and authorial intent, and gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of language.

Through exposure to a wide range of diverse texts from across time, our pupils explore challenging topics that broaden their awareness of the wider world. This not only enhances their general knowledge and appreciation of other cultures but also provides them with valuable insights into human nature and decision-making.

The intended impact of Forensic Reading is to equip our pupils with the essential skills and benefits that are synonymous with reading widely, including improved communication, excellent oracy, problem-solving, and the ability to navigate the complexities of the modern world. These skills are directly linked to the career opportunities available in our school's digital health and science specialisms, as well as the wider world of work as we strive to nurture the development of our pupils into confident, adaptable digital health and science professionals, as well as engaged and responsible citizens.

KS4 Course Information available below. Contact to request full Curriculum Plans

  • GCSE Art
  • GCSE Biology
  • GCSE Chemistry
  • Citizenship
  • GCSE Combined Science
  • GCSE Computer Science
  • GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature
  • Level 2 Enterprise and Marketing
  • Enrichment
  • Faiths and Cultures
  • GCSE Geography
  • Health and Fitness
  • GCSE History
  • GCSE Mathematics
  • GCSE Physics
  • GCSE Psychology
  • Level 2 Sports Science
  • Vocational ICT

The Key Stage 5 Programme

Students in 6th form will have the option to take 3 or 4 of our A-level courses. Our smaller selection of courses provides a focused entry into the health science and the digital technology, computer science industry.